Lift at the Gym

Lift at the Gym

12 Seasons

Get ready to hit the gym with Coach Tara! Full workouts that require gym equipment or a well-equipped home gym.
You can follow the short demos in the Quick Clips section, once you get familiar with the exercises and get your form right!

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Lift at the Gym
  • Build Your Program: Month 1 - At the Gym (PDF)

    1.73 MB

  • M1 Gym Abs

    Episode 1

    Hanging Leg Raise 3x10
    Swiss Ball Crunch 3x10

    Seated ab crunch dropset 3x10 heavy + 10 medium + 10 light

  • M1 Gym Back

    Episode 2

    Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns 3x10
    Rope Chest Pulls 3x10
    Iso-Lateral high Row/Chest Supported Row 3x10

  • M1 Gym Biceps

    Episode 3

    Seated Incline Curl Dropset 3x20 drop as needed
    Incline Hammer Curl Dropset 3x20 drop as needed
    Cable Rope Biceps Curl Dropset 3x20 drop as needed

  • M1 Gym Calves

    Episode 4

    Seated Calf Machine Tempo Dropset 3x10 with 3 second eccentric & pause/explode + 10 regular
    Standing Calf Machine Tempo Dropset 3x10 with 3 second eccentric & pause/explode + 10 regular
    Calf Press on Leg Press 3x10 straight, 10 toes in, 10 toes out

  • M1 Gym Chest

    Episode 5

    Incline DB Chest Press 3x10 (upper pec/clavicular)
    High to Low Cable Pec Flies (lower pec/costal)
    Barbell Bench Press 3x10 (mid chest/sternal)

  • M1 Gym Glutes & Hamstrings

    Episode 6

    Barbell Deadlift 3x10
    Romanian Deadlift 3x10
    Barbell Hip Thrust 3x10

  • M1 Gym Quads

    Episode 7

    Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats (or regular) 3x10/leg SUB: WEIGHTED BOX SQUATS 3X10
    Barbell Back Squat 3x10
    Seated Leg Extension 3x10

  • M1 Gym Shoulders

    Episode 8

    Lateral Raise Dropset 3x10 Lateral Raises + 10 Lateral L Raises
    Seated Incline Front Raise Dropset 3x10 heavy + 10 light
    High Elbow Seated Rear Delt Row (on seated row machine) Dropset 3x10 heavy + 10 light

  • M1 Gym Triceps

    Episode 9

    Rope Triceps Extension Dropset 3x10 heavy, 10 medium, 10 light (or to failure)
    Crossbody Cable Extensions 3x10/side
    EZ Bar Skullcrusher with Intraset Stretch 3x8 with 10-second intraset stretch