Lift At Home

Lift At Home

12 Seasons

You will need *some* gym equipment for these workouts, including (not for all workouts- it varies):

- bench (incline bench preferred)
- dumbbells
- kettlebells
- a barbell (can sub with Dumbbells) with bumper plates (the ones where they are all the same size no matter the weight) would be very helpful
- giant bands (pull-up assist bands)
- smaller/normal hip bands
- medicine ball/slam ball
- stability ball
- bench and/or step.

For HIIT - a drill ladder / agility ladder

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Lift At Home
  • Build Your Program: Month 3 - At Home (PDF)

    1.62 MB

  • M3 At Home Abs

    Episode 1

    Reach Ups 3x10 (feet on floor, crunch with arms reaching up)
    Lying Toe Touches 3x10 (legs straight up, reach arms up to touch)
    Plank Pulls 3x10 breaths

  • M3 At Home Back

    Episode 2

    Manmakers 3x5 SUB: RENEGADE ROWS X20
    DB Reverse Fly 3x10
    Superman 3x10

  • M3 At Home Biceps

    Episode 3

    Incline Biceps Curl 3x10
    Seated 45-Degree Biceps Curl 3x10
    Bench Preacher Curl 3x10

  • M3 At Home Calves

    Episode 4

    Jump Rope 3x30 seconds SUB: CALF RAISE PULSES FROM FLOOR 3X30 SEC
    Single Leg Rack Hold Calf Raise 3x10/side
    Rack Hold Split Squat Calf Raise 3x10/side SUB: BILATERAL RACK HOLD CALF RAISE X20

  • M3 At Home Chest

    Episode 5

    Crossover Push Up 3x5/side
    DB Push Up 3x10
    Single Arm DB Bench Press 3x10/side

  • M3 At Home Glutes & Hamstrings

    Episode 6

    Hip Hinge Step Ups 3x10/side SUB: Dumbbell RDL X10
    Tap the Bench Squats 3x10
    Barbell or DB Pause Hip Thrusts 3x10 with 3-second squeeze & slow eccentric

  • M3 At Home Quads

    Episode 7

    Rack Hold Squat 3x10
    Band Leg Extension 3x10/leg
    Goblet squats with 10 second Intraset isometric hold 3x10/leg

  • M3 At Home Shoulders

    Episode 8

    Explosive standing DB Overhead Press with Slow Eccentric 3x10
    Forward Leaning Single Arm Front Raise 3x10/arm
    Bent Over Bilateral DB Rear Delt Row 3x15

  • M3 At Home Triceps

    Episode 9

    Single DB lying triceps extension reach 3x10
    Kneeling Double DB Overhead Extension (2 DB’s) 3x10
    Triceps Push Ups on KB’s or DB’s 3x10