Lift At Home

Lift At Home

12 Seasons

You will need *some* gym equipment for these workouts, including (not for all workouts- it varies):

- bench (incline bench preferred)
- dumbbells
- kettlebells
- a barbell (can sub with Dumbbells) with bumper plates (the ones where they are all the same size no matter the weight) would be very helpful
- giant bands (pull-up assist bands)
- smaller/normal hip bands
- medicine ball/slam ball
- stability ball
- bench and/or step.

For HIIT - a drill ladder / agility ladder

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Lift At Home
  • Build Your Program: Month 1 - At Home (PDF)

    1.62 MB

    Home Gym Equipment Needed:
    - bench (incline bench preferred)
    - dumbbells
    - kettlebells
    - a barbell (can sub with Dumbbells) with bumper plates (the ones where they are all the same size no matter the weight) would be very helpful
    - giant bands (pull-up assist bands)
    - smaller/normal hip bands


  • M1 At Home Abs

    Episode 1

    Giant Set x3:
    Reverse Crunch x10
    Swiss Ball Crunch x10 (can sub for floor)
    Modified V Up

  • M1 At Home Back

    Episode 2

    Bent Over DB Row 3x10/side (show them with lifting hooks)
    Bent Over Barbell Row 3x10
    Renegade Row 3x20 (alternating sides)

  • M1 At Home Biceps

    Episode 3

    Seated Biceps Curl 3x10
    Seated Hammer Curl 3x10
    Biceps 21’s 3x10

  • M1 At Home Calves

    Episode 4

    Exercise 1: Seated Calf Raise with DBs on knees and a plate or step under balls of feet
    3 sets of:
    10 with pause at bottom, explode to top
    10 pulses at the top
    10 regular with no pause at top or bottom

    Exercise 2: Seated Calf Raise with Dumbbell on Knees and a plate or step under balls of feet

  • M1 At Home Chest

    Episode 5

    DB Chest Press 3x10
    DB Flies 3x10
    Push Ups 3x10

  • M1 At Home Glutes & Hamstrings

    Episode 6

    Exercise 1: Banded Glute Bridge & Dumbbell RDL Superset
    -Banded Glute Bridge with 3-second squeeze at top x10
    -Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (RDL) x10
    3 sets

    Exercise 2: Cook Hip Lift & Single Leg RDL Superset
    -Cook Hip Lift with 3-second squeeze at top x10/leg
    -Single Leg RDL x10/leg
    3 sets


  • M1 At Home Quads

    Episode 7

    Exercise 1: Walking Lunge Superset
    Weighted Walking Lunge x20 SUB: DB SUMO SQUAT X10
    Bodyweight Walking Lunge x20 SUB: BODYWEIGHT SUMO SQUAT X10
    3 sets

    Exercise 2: Heels Elevated Pause Goblet Squats SUB
    Heels Elevated Rack Hold Front Pause Squats x10
    3 second pause at bottom, no pause at top

  • M1 At Home Shoulders

    Episode 8

    Tri-Set x3:
    DB Front Raise (standing) x10
    DB Lateral Raise x10
    Half Kneeling DB Rear Delt Row x10/side

    Single set:
    Half Kneeling Arnold Press 3x10/side SUB: SEATED ARNOLD PRESS 3X10/SIDE

  • M1 At Home Triceps

    Episode 9

    Triceps Kickbacks 3x10/arm
    DB Explosive Extensions from Floor 3x10
    Triceps Pushups 3x10, last set to failure