Question about my stomach muscles......I am 52. I have had 2 C-sections. My stomach muscle that runs from the top of my rib cage, down to my pubic bone is almost like stretched out. When I relax my stomach muscles, it looks like I am pregnant!! When I suck in my stomach, its nice and flat. About two years ago I discovered I when I would do crunches I had a "dome" in the middle of my abs. Just looked like a grapefruit looking down at my abs. So I then started doing exercises for Dastis Recti. I have to be careful not to do anything that requires me using my upper and lower abs at the same time (like boat pose) as then I cant control this dome. So I have to keep my upper and lower stomach exercises separate, if that makes sense. I am wondering if I will ever be able to tighten this ab muscle so it will stay pulled in tight all the time? If so, what exercises do I need to do to speed this along? I have searched and searched the internet for "my problem" because I know I am not the only one who has this issue but can find nothing to help me. Thanks so much Tara!!!!
Hey Kim! You are definitely not alone. I made a program specifically for diastasis recti, have you checked that out? It's in my digital program shop, the link is (it's inexpensive- $47). It's really worth a deep dive working on that. In terms of your exercises here in the app- you are correct- do not do ANY ab exercises that currently cause that "dome" in the middle of your abs- that will exacerbate the issue. Would really recommend snagging my Diastasis Recti/Pelvic Floor strengthening program!
Thank you SO much for the in Tara. I purchased the Diastasis Recti workouts. My next question is...... so when I am doing say a leg press, I assume that I will want to suck in my stomach and hold this throughout the workout correct? In the PDF you said don't do any exercises that would cause pressure(external pressure) on the abdomen. So I am assuming when preforming these I need to suck in my belly button to my back and hold it there, correct? I have seen the opposite being taught is why I ask. I've seen where they say to push out your stomach and then perform the exercise. Also I assume when like driving in the car to try to always keep your stomach sucked in and my pelvic floor sucked in? Like just try to get in the habit of keeping everything sucked in all the time? Thanks so much Tara! I so appreciate you and love your workouts!!
No, don't suck in your stomach on the concentrics (hard part) when doing squats, leg press. Think instead in terms of breathing into your diaphragm (inside your ribs) on the easier portion of the lift, then lifting up your pelvic floor to create tension on the harder part (concentric). What is most important is that you don't go so heavy that you are forced into a situation in which you are pushing out super hard against your abdominal wall. Keep it in a weight range in which you can really keep the weight in your legs/glutes, and it only requires light tension in your core.